![]() In 9th grade I discovered about Great Commission Ministry Ethiopia ( as Cru/CCC is called here). Mihretu Tesfaye came to our high school fellowship group to give us evangelism training and encouraged us to take the challenge of leading mission trips with him to Borena, Jinka, then to Nairobi, and to South Korea! And it goes on and on! I do love our missionary family and the vision to reach the whole world for Christ. Our purpose is to help fulfill the Great Commission as we build spiritual movement everywhere, so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus Christ! How? By winning, building and sending Christ centered multiplying disciples! I’m very blessed to be part of this Great Commission Ministry family! This last week I was attending one farewell party after another. It started with my Digital Strategy team in Ethiopia where I heard encouraging testimonies. The key word I heard there was ‘multiplication’ of our digital strategy movement in our area. I cut a cake with the Indigitous logo on. Sending missionary abroad is not a common practice in my country Ethiopia. My church took time to appreciate and commission me in prayer for my new assignment. Pastor Zerubabel Mengistu (pictured with me) explained my move to our congregation. The response was very encouraging and I believe many young people are inspired to be part of missional cause. My national office staff members and Zobloon prayer group also had a time to celebrate what God did in my life and ministry. It was very emotional to me since this group has been my support since I was in 9th grade. I am very thankful for our staff in Ethiopia and our area and for their sacrificial service to the Lord and His people. I do appreciate my prayer and financial partners, and I’m very thankful to God for their generous giving and prayer in the past! The partnership is special and with excitement and gratitude, I am boarding the plane in a few hours agreeing with apostle Paul “…..because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. 7 It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me.” Philippians 1:5-7 Comments are closed.
AuthorMiheret T. Eshete Archives
September 2024