![]() It all began when Kim Kobayashi was looking online for an image of the Ethiopian eunuch for her children’s class at Adventure Church. She found her picture on my blog then she posted a comment on my blog with a word of encouragement about my ministry. Then we were connected on Facebook! Divine Connection… Two months later, I got request from my national children ministry staffs about getting materials. I remembered my connection with Kim and asked if her church had children’s materials they could share with the churches in Ethiopia. The dialogue between us began to develop. I introduced Ethiopian Campus Crusade for Christ national director to Kim and her husband, Jonathan. In August of 2011, Damtew Kifelew, National Director visited Kim and Jonathan, Adventure Church Discipleship Pastor, who, in turn, introduced him to their church leaders, teachers and youth, to explore the possibility of forming an alliance to provide teaching materials, as well as training and discipleship resources. Kim & Jonathan are former staff members of Campus Crusade for Christ. They immediately connected with Damtew with a sense of family and shared mission. As a result of their meeting, the concept of Acts 8 Ministries was conceived, and the partnership between GCM and Adventure Church began to form. And the past 4 days I was staying at Kim and Jonathan's house visiting their church. I love the Adventure church very much and appreciate their heart for the Lost. They invited me to share about my ministry and I made presentation about Global Media Outreach Internet ministry. I believe that many online missionaries from Duvall and Seattle area will rise up for reaching out of the lost online. Surprisingly Kim and Jonathan are going to Ethiopia this Monday 24 October for their first 12 days visit to Ethiopia! Amazing! Join my ministry partners team in making financial gift here Comments are closed.
AuthorMiheret T. Eshete Archives
September 2024